Elvatech ElvaX Plus

The ElvaX Plus spectrometer is a desktop EDXRF analyzer that boasts an extended element range, detecting elements from Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92). It utilizes a helium purge system and an automatic primary filter changer, coupled with a large area SDD detector, to ensure accurate registration of light element spectra.

This EDXRF spectrometer is suitable for both quantitative and qualitative analysis of elemental composition in a diverse range of samples, including metal alloys, liquids, powders, food and biological samples, as well as surface-deposited or filtered samples, covering a wide range of element concentrations. Additionally, it has a detecting limit of better than 1 ppm for most elements in a light matrix.


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Why Buy the ElvaX Spectrometer?

The ElvaX Plus is a type of desktop spectrometer that utilizes energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) technology to detect a wide range of elements, spanning from Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92).


The ElvaX Plus provides the highest level of precision and accuracy for elemental analysis across a broad range of materials, thanks to its impressive hardware and unparalleled software algorithms.


This spectrometer boasts the fastest XRF capabilities on the market due to the combination of Elvatech’s dynamically adaptive shaping (DAS) DPP technology and a Fast SDD detector.


The ElvaX Plus ensures long-lasting reproducibility of analysis without requiring frequent recalibration, thanks to its digiX-50 digital X-Ray source, automatic temperature and pressure correction, and automatic calibration adjustment features.

Elvatech ElvaX Plus Features & Specifications

  • With a throughput of over 400,000 cps, the ElvaX Plus is the world’s fastest XRF analyzer
  • Element detection range of Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92)
  • The Helium purge function enhances sensitivity to lighter elements such as Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, and S.
  • The calibration stability of the ElvaX Plus is excellent, and it can compensate for variations in ambient temperature and pressure.
  • Utilize the optional 16-position automatic sample changer to further boost productivity
  • If precise sample positioning is needed, the ElvaX Plus has an optional high-resolution CCD camera


Periodic maintenance (PM) and calibration are essential tasks that you need to do on a regular basis to ensure that your equipment continues to function as intended.

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